Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's a... CAKE!

A good friend of mine asked me a few months ago to make a cake that would reveal their little baby's gender to she and her husband and a room full of curious guests. And I thought time passed slowly for the expectant mother! It sure was tough on the expectant baker, too. I couldn't wait! And neither could Cassie and her husband; they found out the day before. It's a boy! The cake turned out beautifully on the inside and I was grateful to have cleaned all the blue dye off my hands before I delivered the cake to the party. No one was any the wiser until the moment of truth. The cake, by the way, is the yummy and perfectly moist Vanilla Buttermilk cake and is filled with Strawberries and Cream. Cassie's mother cut the cake and sure was excited! This will be her third grandson. Time to party.

1 comment:

jenna said...

it turned out even more adorable than i imagined! i think this may be my favorite cake to date.